I just wanted to share some of the awesome experiences that have happened in this past week! First of all, we´ve been experiencing a tumult of natural disasters lately. Well, just two. Well, three. A hurricane, an earthquake, and an active volcano threatening to erupt. But where I´m at, we haven´t been hit too hard. Just hearing a bit about everything. The hurricane passed more through the south part of the country and Costa Rica, and the earthquake had its epicenter in Masaya, or even more south. Which is pretty far away. And the volcano is somewhere over in that area as well. So don´t worry about me. I´m doing great up here in Tipitapa :)
Then, we´ve been working really hard with one of our investigators. Her name is Ana Julia, and she´s an older woman with 6 or 7 kids. She lives about half an hour away from where we normally work, but it´s still inside the area, and there´s an active member family over there, too. Another member who lives out there brought her to church last Sunday, and it´s been the most incredible experience working with her. She said that she almost got baptized in another church several years ago, but she felt something stop her. She felt that it wasn´t the right church. So she´s been looking for years. And her first day visiting the church with us, she felt this great peace. She felt something fill her heart, and she knew that this was what she was looking for, that this was the church that she needed to be baptized in. We´ve taught her the first three lessons (The Restoration, The Plan of Salvation, and The Gospel of Jesus Christ) and she´s accepted them wholeheartedly and with great humility and dedication. She´s helping us teach her children and their families, and she´s preparing to be baptized on the 10th of December :) I know I won´t be there, but honestly it´s been so incredible to meet her and see her grow. She´s been looking and searching for years and in a single day at church she found her answer. She´s going to be an incredible converted member, and I´m so happy that I got to be a part of her journey. Hermana Stubbs is going to send me pictures for sure, so I´ll make sure you guys can all see her :)
This past Saturday we had a baptism! It was a little miracle. Her name is Bertita and she just turned eight a couple weeks ago. Her parents aren´t members, but her two older sisters are recent converts, and they´ve been going to church for the past several months. She told us that she wanted to be baptized too, and the Branch President baptized her, and her whole family showed up to support her. She was so excited that she borrowed the white dress and the white shoes from her sister so she could show up all in white :) She doesn´t really have that many sins yet, but I could see the pureness of her heart as we took all the pictures and got her ready for her baptism. I know she´ll remember this day for the rest of her life, and I hope that one day her mom can join the church so they can all move forward together :)
We had special interchanges of companions this past Thursday :) I got to go back to my first zone (again) to work, but this time I was in Villa Venezuela. It was so fun working with Hermana Pehrson and I learned so much. We got along so well and we had an awesome day together! Then we finished the divisions with Pizza :) Pizza Hut it something I haven´t really missed from home, to be honest, haha.
And to finish off the week, I had my cumplemes 18 (I completed my 18 months) yesterday. Wow. Time flies by :) And to top it all off, the primary program was yesterday, and it was so cute. The primary is a decent size here in La Bocana. And so many less actives and investigators came to church. It was so wonderful to see the chapel full!
So I just want to share my last missionary testimony with you all :) I know that this is the restored church of Jesus Christ. I know it with all my heart. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and that the Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion and the best way to come closer to God. I know that the greatest miracle that we can ever witness or experience is that of conversion and forgiveness. Conversion to the gospel and forgiveness of our sins. Christ is the reason for everything, and if we truly believe and understand that, we can accomplish many wonderful things. You will never experience true peace until you come to rely wholly upon the Savior Jesus Christ. I love this work and this gospel. There is no better work than that of salvation. And be it full time, part time, or how ever much time you´ve got, missionary work is for all of us. Never stop sharing the gospel. Never stop sharing your testimony. I love you all so much. Thanks for all your prayers and your advice and your support. This past year and a half has changed my life, and I´ve been able to witness firsthand in my own life and in the lives of others the miracle of the atonement. I´ve been forgiven and made whole from my sins and mistakes and weaknesses, and so can you. And so can everyone else. Never lose hope :) Just keep searching. He loves you and will answer your prayers.
I´ll see you all soon!
Love, Hermana Sarah Oliphant
1-3. Bertita´s baptism :)
4. Pizza hut!
5. Hermana Pehrson!
6. Goodbye Nicaragua