Sorry, it`s been a little while. Time`s been a little short lately.
But lately we`ve been seeing so many miracles, and it`s been so incredible. We`re seeing the love and unity increase in our ward, and we`re helping the members get so excited about missionary work! We have so many people preparing for baptism now, and most of them have already been to church before, and know members already, and are being fellowshipped by new members. It`s incredible to see how much the work hastens and how much more positive our investigators are when the members really step in to make this ward great, and when they fulfill their commitments.
So the pictures are of Rudy and Kevin. Kevin (the darker one on the far right) is a recent convert, and the one on the left is our investigator who`s preparing to get baptized, and he`s so excited. He`s been to church a couple times, he`s loved it, and he keeps saying he wants to be Mormon, haha. He has a lot to change, but Kevin is so down to helping him do the things he`s needed to do, and I`m so happy for them. I`ve loved seeing the change in their lives as they come closer to Christ.
And the other picture is a pancake that I turned into a flower (more specifically, the saccuanjoche flower from my hair a few weeks ago ;) The national flower of Nicaragua!)
Something I`ve been thinking a lot about lately is a talk from April conference last year about The Music of the Gospel. I can`t remember who it was by, but I just love the comparisons he makes to the music. Our primary responsibility como parents (and missionaries) is to help our children (and investigators and recent converts and less actives) hear the music of the holy Spirit, not just teach them the dance moves. As we all strive to hear the music more in our lives, our desire to dance (keep the comandments) will just come naturally.
I love you all so much. I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Att. Hermana Oliphant
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Rudy (investigator), Missionaries, Kevin (new convert) |