saw so many miracles this week with our investigators. We put several
fechas this week for baptism, and they were all in contacts and first
lessons! So many people ready to change and receive the gospel. It´s
incredible. We also found some old investigators that disappeared off
the face of the planet, and we´re going to keep teaching them, too :)
week I feel like my Spanish has just SKYROCKETED. I don´t know what
happened, but suddenly my understanding of everything is so much better,
and I´m speaking faster and my vocabulary is growing, and it´s the best
feeling. I actually do know where it came from. There´s no way I could
learn this language so fast without the help of my Heavenly Father, who
knows I´m trying my hardest to speak to these lovely people of Nicaragua
and share my testimony of the gospel with them. The gift of tongues (and
the interpretation thereof) is real, people. So real.
been raining like crazy here. But I love the rain. I don´t get to swim
here, so it´s the next best thing ;) Who needs umbrellas?
my spiritual thoughts. I did some studying this week in True to the
Faith, which is AWESOME. Buy it and read it if you haven´t already. This
week I studied specifically in Conversion, Covenants, and Conscience. I
would share my specific thoughts, but I don´t have much time. Besides,
it´s better to let you all learn for yourself the things you need the
Spirit to tell you ;)
I also had some thoughts about faith.
Everyone says that faith brings miracles. How? How does believing that
something will happen make it happen. It doesn´t. And that´s the truth
of it. But what does bring miracles? Trusting in our omnipotent God of
miracles,and that through Him, all is possible. But not just that,
either! We have to show HIM our faith through our corresponding actions
and obedience to his commandments. When we work towards worthy goals,
having our initial faith that it´s possible to achieve that goal, that
is when we see our righteous desires come to pass, and occasionally a
little miracle comes with it. Or maybe the righteous desire needed a
miracle. But we can´t sit around and expect miracles to happen because
we have faith, or a passive belief in something. Oh no no. Remember the
scripture, faith without works is dead. It´s so true. A passive belief
does nothing. But an initial belief, followed by action and obedience,
is what truly brings us miracles.
I also read something by
Elder Bednar in the New Mission President´s Seminar at the Provo MTC
this week (we got the talk in a pamphlet here in the mission) about
teaching. It´s pretty eye-opening, especially as a missionary. He says,
"Sometimes we think talking is teaching, and it is not. Teaching is
observing and listening--eyes to see, ears to hear--that precedes
discerning by the power of the Holy Ghost. Then, and only then, do we
know what to say. If we talk without observing and listening, we talk to
ourselves in front of other people." I´ll let you all make of that as
you will :)
This week truly has been incredible. I´m learning
so much every day, and I can just feel God´s love for me, this work, and
all the people here and everyone around me. I love being a missionary,
and I love being here. I´m so glad I still have 15 months left here :)
Thank you for all your support and love. I´ve definitely felt any
prayers that happened to have come my way. I hope you all have an
awesome week. Never forget how much our Heavenly Father knows and loves
you. He´s honestly right there, literally waiting for you personally to
come unto him and humble yourself. It´s a beautiful thing to watch it
happen, and even better to feel it yourself :) I love you all. Feliz
- Hermana Oliphant
We helped some girls take some fotos of some braids for something they're
doing, (I´m not entirely sure what it is, honestly), and they gave us
braids, too :) Enjoy these pictures of me and Hna Miza rocking our
braids these sweet girls gave us :D
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