On a more exciting note, this New Year´s Eve
was pretty exciting. Apparently there´s a tradition here in Nicaragua
where people make scarecrows called viejos and stick them in front of
their houses. They just chill there for the day, and then at midnight,
they blow them up with fireworks. A little morbid, but hey. Welcome to
Nicaragua. We didn´t do anything, haha. We went to bed on time, but we
wore earplugs...the fireworks and screaming were SO loud. It was kind of
crazy. But we slept really well and woke up to the new year in peace :)
My first year not doing anything for the New Year´s, but it wasn´t that
bad. I´ll party it up when I get home ;)
We also had a branch
Christmas/New Years Eve party on the 30th, and it was pretty fun. There
was a tiny spiritual thought, and Hna Near and I sang La Primera
Navidad, or The First Noel, and then we ate food. Yummy food, and
helping serving brought back memories when I worked at Catering at BYU.
Except the way we handled the food was a little sketchy...#nicaragua.
And then we brought out the piñatas and watch the children beat the
living daylights out of it...haha. My goodness these kids love their
candy :)
We also got to make tortillas yesterday! We have some
investigators who came to church yesterday, but at first they said they
wouldn´t because she has to make tortillas from 4 am until 11 am,
and she sells them too, so she said she couldn´t. We offered to go over
and help her early in the morning so she could finish. She just laughed
and said that we can come help and even if we didn´t finish she´d still
come to church :) So we went there at about 7 and helped for a little
bit, and then we all went to church, and they loved it. Making (or in
Spanish, echar tortillas) is harder than it looks. You just take the
masa and stick it on a piece of thin plastic in the shape of a circle,
and then you slowly pat it down flat while spinning the plastic around.
You need to kind of settle into a rhythm, haha. And not hit it so hard
and keep your fingers wet or you break it. Then you just stick it on the
pan to cook. So fun to have the lady and her kids laughing at us trying
to make tortillas. I´ll have to get a picture of us doing it somehow ;)
For my Spiritual thought, I chose something in 3 Nephi 13.
19 Lay not up for yourselves t reasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and th ieves break through and steal;
out of time, or I´d talk more about it. I just feel like I personally
need to focus on making Christ and his gospel more of a treasure in my
life. Especially as a missionary. I know that we are blessed when we put
the Lord first in everything.
I love you all so much, and I hope you have an excellent week!
Att. Hermana Oliphant
1) Our lovely member family who feeds us dinner! We love them so much.
2 and 3) Hna Near´s cumplemes pizza!
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