Hey! I`m short on time, so I`ll just get the important stuff said
I`m in Chinandega, my area is called Monserrat, if I`m not mistaken,
and my companion is Hermana Arias from El Salvador. She`s dying this
change...or she`s going home this tranfer season. Oh dear. Haha no,
it`ll be great. I`ve heard that she`s awesome, and we`ll do great things
Chinandega is also the hottest place on the face of the
planet, so if I show up like a baked potato in some pics...you know why.
But my area is the main part of Chinandega...so we get the maxi pali
and the mall ;) So ya know.
Spiritual thought! So many great scriptures this week.
10:14 (what idols are we worshipping?)
DyC 123:11-17
1 Nephi 20:16-20 (cling to the Lord and keep the commandments)
I would talk about them, but time.
please look them up, read them, ponder them, and pray about them. These
all really impacted my week, and I hope they do the same for all of you
I`m waiting on my old compita for the pictures...sorry. Bear with me.
I hope you all have a great week!
Love, Hermana Oliphant.
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