Sister Sarah Oliphant serving in the Nicaragua Managua North mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints from May 2015 through November 2016

Monday, August 15, 2016

Another Week Has Come and Gone

I just realized I´ve stopped being clever with my titles. So sorry.
But this week´s been super crazy. We had emergency changes and I´m with a different companion, but still in Nagarote :) Her name´s Hermana Nova, she´s a chapina (from Guatemala) and I knew her when she began her mission in Chinandega :) I know she´s an awesome worker. She´s been pumped up and excited to baptize since she started and I know we´ll do some great things here. 
We´ve still been working hard on being more effective with our work. And teaching more effectively so that the Spirit can testify to our investigators according to their needs. 
I´m still studying the same books, haha. Book of Mormon, Jesus the Christ, Personal progress, etc. And I´ve loved getting to know better who is the Godhead. Who is Christ, and how he can help me here on earth. I read a verse that really stood out to me last night in 1 Nephi 9

6 But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning; wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men; for behold, he hath all power unto the fulfilling of all his words. And thus it is. Amen.

He knows ALL things. HE prepares a way to accomplish his work. He fulfills all of his words, so we really need to listen to the prophets and leaders of the church, drop our pride and repent. It´s super harsh, and it´s also really hard to do. But we´ve all got to do it :) Sinners and saints alike. I know that prophets are here to help us, and I have a very strong testimony of living prophets. I know that President Monson is a prophet called of God, and if we really pay attention to General Conference when he speaks, and take extra care to apply what he tells us, we will be making a very wise decision. I´m not perfect, but I´m decided to better my discipleship, and I know I can do it by listening to our beloved prophet :)

I love you all so much. Have a great week!

Love, Hermana Oliphant

ps. My new comp doesn´t have a camera pics for a while :(

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